
【米国最高裁 特許】 特許権の消尽論 「遺伝子組換え大豆」 モンサント事件


Bowman v. Monsanto Company (Supreme Court 2013)






 被上告人であるMonsanto社は、同社の除草剤「ラウンドアップ」に耐性を有する遺伝子組み換え大豆(ラウンドアップレディ技術)に関する2件の特許権を有していた(U. S. Patent Nos. 5,352,605、RE39,247E)。





















    Unfortunately for Bowman, that principle decides this case against him. Under the patent exhaustion doctrine,Bowman could resell the patented soybeans he purchased from the grain elevator; so too he could consume the beanshimself or feed them to his animals. Monsanto, althoughthe patent holder, would have no business interfering inthose uses of Roundup Ready beans. But the exhaustion doctrine does not enable Bowman to make additional patented soybeans without Monsanto’s permission (either express or implied). And that is precisely what Bowman did. He took the soybeans he purchased home; planted them in his fields at the time he thought best; applied glyphosate to kill weeds (as well as any soy plants lacking the Roundup Ready trait); and finally harvested more (many more) beans than he started with. That is how “to ‘make’ a new product,” to use Bowman’s words, when the original product is a seed. Brief for Petitioner 37; see Webster’s Third New International Dictionary 1363 (1961) (“make” means “cause to exist, occur, or appear,” or morespecifically, “plant and raise (a crop)”). Because Bowman thus reproduced Monsanto’s patented invention, the exhaustion doctrine does not protect him.






    Still, Bowman has another seeds-are-special argument: that soybeans naturally “self-replicate or ‘sprout’ unlessstored in a controlled manner,” and thus “it was the planted soybean, not Bowman” himself, that made replicas of Monsanto’s patented invention. Brief for Petitioner 42; see Tr. of Oral Arg. 14 (“[F]armers, when they plant seeds, they don’t exercise any control . . . over their crop” or “over the creative process”). But we think that blame-the-bean defense tough to credit. Bowman was not a passive observer of his soybeans’ multiplication; or put another way,the seeds he purchased (miraculous though they might bein other respects) did not spontaneously create eight successive soybean crops. As we have explained, supra at 2–3, Bowman devised and executed a novel way to harvestcrops from Roundup Ready seeds without paying the usualpremium. He purchased beans from a grain elevator anticipating that many would be Roundup Ready; applied a glyphosate-based herbicide in a way that culled any plants without the patented trait; and saved beans fromthe rest for the next season. He then planted those Roundup Ready beans at a chosen time; tended and treated them, including by exploiting their patented glyphosateresistance; and harvested many more seeds, which he either marketed or saved to begin the next cycle. In all this, the bean surely figured. But it was Bowman, and not the bean, who controlled the reproduction (unto the eighthgeneration) of Monsanto’s patented invention.




(判決文)  http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/11-796_c07d.pdf